VisualCounter.Transit: Architecture of the solution
The non-volatile internal memory of the device means that it is possible to implement ‘overall protection of counting data at each access point from errors or accidents’. The data is stored internally in the memory of the device associated with each door, at time intervals of 1 minute for the previous 10 days.
It is possible to use door opening/closing information to independently manage the entry and exit of passengers at each of the vehicle's stops.
The data corresponding to each day, or for specific time bands, can be downloaded on demand from the central computer or the vehicle's management computer.
1. Bus stop: Door opening, GPS position capture and activation of passenger counters
2. End of stop and data transfer: The data concentrator collects all the counting data from the counting devices by door and stop, and it transfers to the cloud server for registration
3. Processing and data transfer to customers server: All the data collected from the buses every day are send with a defined format to the customer server, including differentiated information by bus, stop and door (+ weather)